«Today Russia is a unique market in terms of container logistics» Andrey Naraevskiy - Development Director of Silmar Group
Infranews, the largest news aggregator in the Russian Federation, interviewed our development director Andrey Naraevskiy.
Andrey shared the reporters with information regarding processes of the Silmar Group logistics system, assessed development trends of this industry, and also told about the company’s further plans.

“What is the major specialization of Silmar companies group?

  – The Silmar Group has been created 20 years ago. The first office was opened in Spain, from where we initially organized ceramic tiles and sanitary ware export and logistics from local manufacturers to the Russian market. After that, offices appeared in St. Petersburg and other Russian ports, and the list of our cargoes and routes grew exponentially. Over the past years, only our work profile has not changed - logistics and international trade: we provide services for end-to-end delivery of goods and management of transport solutions for our clients...”

“ – Just recently you have worked for Maersk. What are the fundamental differences on working in a Russian company?

– The differences are valuable! Large Western companies maintain their external market and internal company activity in a completely different way. In other words, established European businesses like Maersk have existed for decades, and everything there is quite clearly regulated and systematized. The procedures and division of labor of employees have been worked out. In such a structure, everything is mostly subordinated to the most efficient and sustainable work, standardization of processes at the global level. At the same time, opportunities for flexibility, adaptation of solutions to local specifics, and space for a non-standard approach are often deliberately limited.

In Russia we are now in a situation where we have to do a lot by ourselves, look for new solutions and build everything almost from scratch. This makes it possible to realize ideas that were previously impossible or not in demand.”

“Which forecasts would you give for the Russian market in general?

– Making forecasts in our time is a particularly thankless task. Based on the experience of last year, we see that the market quickly responded to external challenges and successfully integrated into new realities. Therefore, we can expect that everything further will depend on the dynamics of the Russian economy. One thing is for sure: the market is ready for these changes.

– What are your future plans for scaling the route network? Are you overviewing routes such as the Northern Sea Route? Maersk tested this route at one time...

– The history of container transportation along the NSR has been actively developing in the last few years. However, we believe that the potential of traditional supply routes has not yet been fully exhausted. A huge plus is that transporting containers along the NSR is technically possible. But in the current realities, we also understand that those areas that were created over the past 30 years and adjusted in the year and a half since the beginning of the SMO are now still more effective.”

You can read the full version of the article on the source website
Source: https://www.infranews.ru/logistika/63401-andrej-naraevskij-segodnya-rossiya-unikalnyj-s-tochki-zreniya-kontejnernoj-logistiki-rynok/